January 23 Newsletter
January has been declared as Human Trafficking Prevention and Awareness Month in North Carolina. This is a horrible crime that cannot be tolerated in our great state. I was honored to participate and speak at a recent press conference by the Human Trafficking Commission in Raleigh. Since being in the State House, I have sponsored and supported legislation strengthening the penalties against human traffickers, as well as providing relief for the victims of human trafficking. I will continue my fight against this terrible act of sexual servitude.
Justice and Public Safety
I am proud to announce that I have been re-appointed by Speaker of the House Tim Moore to serve as a Co-Chair of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety, which is comprised of members from both the House and the Senate. The purpose of this Committee is to examine the correctional, law enforcement and juvenile justice systems in North Carolina in order to make recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve those systems and to assist those systems in realizing their objectives of protecting the public and of punishing and rehabilitating offenders. This Joint Oversight Committee is of great assistance to me as the Senior Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee on Justice and Public Safety.
Economic Development
I am also pleased to announce that I have been re-appointed by Speaker Moore to serve on the Joint Legislative Economic Development and Global Engagement Oversight Committee, which is comprised of members from both the House and the Senate. The purpose of this Committee is to examine economic growth and development issues and strategies in North Carolina in order to make recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to promote cost-effective economic development initiatives. I am proud that our state is very business friendly due to actions taken by the Republican led General Assembly to reduce personal income taxes, reduce corporate income taxes, and regulatory reform to eliminate unnecessary and burdensome regulations.