Rep. Ted Davis, Jr. appointed by Speaker of the House Tim Moore to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations
I have been appointed by Speaker Tim Moore to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations, which is comprised of members from the House and the Senate. The duties of this Commission include conducting evaluative studies of the programs, policies, practices and procedures of the various departments, agencies, and institutions of State Government.
I am honored that the Speaker has the confidence to appoint me to this Committee, as well as the following Commissions and Committees that I was previously appointed to:
General Statutes Commission. The duties of this Commission include recommending to the General Assembly the enactment of such substantive changes in the law as the Commission may deem advisable.
Legislative Research Commission. The duties of this Commission include making or causing to be made such studies of and investigations into governmental agencies and institutions and matters of public policy as will aid the General Assembly in performing its duties in the most efficient and effective manner.
Joint Legislative Economic Development and Global Engagement Oversight Committee. The duties of this Committee include examining, on a continuing basis, economic development and global engagement issues and strategies in North Carolina in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to promote cost-effective economic development initiatives, economic growth, and stimulating job creation in the global economy. Among other things, the Committee may study the budgets, programs, and policies of the Department of Commerce, the North Carolina Partnership for Economic Development, and other State, regional, and local entities involved in economic development.
Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee. The functions of this Committee include the evaluation of the merits of a program or an activity of a State agency, or a program or an activity of a non-State entity conducted or provided using State funds. Among other things, the Committee may determine if any legislation or other action of the General Assembly is needed to implement the Program Evaluation Division's recommendations.