Ted Davis Receives NC Sheriff Police Alliance Endorsement
I am very proud to have received the endorsement of the North Carolina Sheriff Police Alliance.
A lawful society, free from mob rule and violent insurrection, is not possible without law enforcement. The men and women who are our law enforcement officers risk their lives every day to uphold the law and keep our community safe. They deserve our full support and respect – now more than ever.
I support properly funding the members of our law enforcement, and I oppose eliminating or reducing the funding for these brave individuals, because to do so will have a negative effect on the safety and security of all North Carolinians, such as increasing 9-1-1 response times for emergencies like break-ins and violent crimes in your neighborhood.
In fact, I have signed a pledge that I stand with America’s police and I will oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to “Defund the Police”.