Ted Davis Receives NFIB Endorsement
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) is the nation's leading small business advocacy organization. Based on my positions and record on key small-business issues, the NFIB has endorsed me for re-election in House District 20.
“Our members support the candidates who support small business,” NFIB State Director Gregg Thompson said. “These individuals either have a proven track record of standing up for small businesses or have shown they will promote a positive business environment for North Carolina’s job creators."
I am proud to say that since I have been in Raleigh, I have done both. I have supported legislation and funding for economic development that will bring small businesses and employment opportunities to North Carolina. I remain committed to promoting a positive climate for small businesses and the jobs that they create in our great state.
"Ted Davis understands challenges facing North Carolina's small businesses and our members believe he will do everything he can do to help small businesses recover safely and fully from the pandemic so they can grow and create jobs," added NFIB State Director Thompson.